Create balance-sheet or transactions-flow matrices

sfcr_matrix(columns, codes, ...)



Vector containing the name of the columns in the matrix.


A vector containing the abbreviation of the column names that is going to be used as a reference to build the rows. They must be provided in the same order as the columns.


Vectors that fill the rows of the matrix. The first element of each vector must be the name of the row in the respective matrix. The remaining elements of the vector must be name-value pairs that exactly matches the codes argument. See the examples for further details.


This function can be used to generate a transactions- flow matrix as well as a balance-sheet matrix. If the user wishes to validate these matrices with the simulated data, please pay attention to the following details:

  • Transactions-flow Matrix: In the transactions-flow matrix, the sum column is going to be generated automatically by the validation function. Please do not add it by hand.

  • Balance-sheet Matrix: In the balance-sheet matrix, it might be the case that some rows do not sum to zero. Therefore, the user must supply by hand the non-zero values of the sum column. This column should always be the last column of the matrix and should always be named as "Sum". If there's no column named as "Sum", it will be generated automatically by the validation function with all entries equal to zero.


João Macalós,


# Balance-sheet matrix bs_pc <- sfcr_matrix( columns = c("Households", "Firms", "Government", "Central bank", "sum"), codes = c("h", "f", "g", "cb", "s"), r1 = c("Money", h = "+Hh", cb = "-Hs"), r2 = c("Bills", h = "+Bh", g = "-Bs", cb = "+Bcb"), r3 = c("Balance", h = "-V", g = "+V") ) # Transactions-flow matrix tfm_pc <- sfcr_matrix( columns = c("Households", "Firms", "Government", "CB current", "CB capital"), codes = c("h", "f", "g", "cbc", "cbk"), c("Consumption", h = "-C", f = "+C"), c("Govt. Expenditures", f = "+G", g = "-G"), c("Income", h = "+Y", f = "-Y"), c("Int. payments", h = "+r[-1] * Bh[-1]", g = "-r[-1] * Bs[-1]", cbc = "+r[-1] * Bcb[-1]"), c("CB profits", g = "+r[-1] * Bcb[-1]", cbc = "-r[-1] * Bcb[-1]"), c("Taxes", h = "-TX", g = "+TX"), c("Ch. Money", h = "-(Hh - Hh[-1])", cbk = "+(Hs - Hs[-1])"), c("Ch. Bills", h = "-(Bh - Bh[-1])", g = "+(Bs - Bs[-1])", cbk = "-(Bcb - Bcb[-1])") )